Thursday, January 17, 2008

Well, seeing as Blogger has come back into trend, then I shall start posting here again.

I find it rather funny, that this is the place that I started out, moved to all these other journal providers, just to have people say that "Blogger is awsum!"

In the University Library at the moment. My internet at home isn't working again, which is just plain annoyance! I've been researching different Doll photographers, but can only come up with one that seems interesting. Hans Bellmer. His work is very inspiring, and very influencial as well (Gits & Silent Hill)

I've been trying to get back into anime as well, now that I have been off the scene for a while I don't know what it what, which helps. I'll think about getting some again when I have a bit more money. I don't really have the right attitude with money,. which is an utter curse! I just don't think that having moneya nd being rich is the most important thing ever, but now that I am living alone I probably should.

I am still drawing a little, but not as much any more. I'll probably be posting some more of my photography from time to time here, when things are working internet wise back at home. Seeing as this pace was probably created to keep track on art and drawing things. Need to update my template as well, which I shall do in a moment or few. :D

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