Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Just something minor

Had a bit of a rocky week so far, I've felt a bit weird since Monday morning, I don't want to go into public detail though. Sorry. I don't think it's really anything to worry about I was just caught off guard. Of course, there isn't anyone I feel that I can talk to about it here.But, it's okay now I guess.

I've gotten my assignments to a level of done that I feel happy with, happy enough to want to draw Beee anyway, so I decided I should and split water all over my desk and in the process of cleaning it up I stabbed myself with a pin. So, I think thats a way of saying "No drawing for you, Jenn!"

I stabbed myself witha pin, because I made my first T-Shirt for Dani today. I am pretty pleased with it, though the neck line needs a little more work on it, which I shall do sometime.

I finished my Graham Masterton book, this one was really good. Ritual. If people like a good horror novel then I can't recommend it more. :D Some of the detail that he goes into is just startling, and Ritual is no exception! Another very well written book, which has thankfully restored my faith in his work :)

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