Friday, January 18, 2008

Updated my links again, added some friends. Hurrah!!
You know, it really does feel good to be using blogger again. :D

Also added a link to my Rhodes myspace profile, I've been trying to get some RP going with him again, I've been so negligent it unfunny. :( I just hope that some of the old faces are still about. I love me some Rhodes action. <3
I'll have to start drawing him again, and get writting that fanfiction. I just sometimes get the feeling that no one is interested, but then again these things take to too pull poeple in.

I really should use this place to post some of my own art and things, maybe use it for photography as well, seeing as this blog is just everything about me *haha, self centered!*
I am really looking forward to hearing more about the Resident Evil CGI film, I am just hoping that it is better than the abomination that has been the Resident Evil Movie series so far, it was them that stopped my faith in RE in the first place, so to have faith restored by a film would just be... good.

I can't help it, I just love Umbrella and their Zombie creating selves! <3


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