Tuesday, June 28, 2005

This past weekend, was so amazing!

I did it, I met him. I finally met my idol. One of them anyway! ^^

I posted a picture of me and Doug Bradly over on DevArt, but I'll post a mini version here too.
It was really justa great time. We talked about Lance Henriksen (My other big idol) And, how they are both fans of one another.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

I also got to meet Stef again (www.blondierule.deviantart.com) And I havn't laughed so much in a long long time. I am now in agreement that something was put in our chocolate brownies, to make us that way.

I spent so much money over the weekend. Got no wages left at all! I also brought a new camera on credit!! XD

I finished collage on Monday. I thought I had done really well, until we go there and all my beautifully mounted pictures started too fall off the mount. Cause it had gotten too hot in the back of the car. I was so annoyed with it. But, the college teacher let me stick them all down again and gave me some cellotape to help ^^
He also doesn't think I will have a problem getting onto next years course. Unless there is something seriously wrong with me work.


Kitty Sorrow said...

your choice in headwear doesn't surprise me at all LOL. Nice to see your still in the pink ;)

Infiniti said...

Jen.....who's that 'nut' in the background (behind you)? She scares me!

Kizmit said...

OMG! you still read this!

And, I have no idea who she is, but that is one EVIL look she has on her face, a mix of demonic feeling and wella hair advert!