Thursday, June 09, 2005

So, tell me again what the plan is?

Hide under the table until she goes away? It appears that I have been found in my old home again by Kat!

If your still using your Blog hun, tell me and I'll link you! <3

I had a really odd dream last night, that me and Matt still hung out. And, that we spent a long time talking about Anime, and this things that we used to do all the time together. It was a really nice dream to have. We went out and brought Cosplay outfits, he brought an UniYasha one, and I brought myself one of Utena. I'll be dressing as Utena nexy year when I go to Acen with Emma. I really can't wait for that! Squeee.

I have been at work quite a bit recently, and working late shifts. They are starting to get too me a little, especially yesterday, cause Sam phoned in sick, and she is suposed to take me home after work. So, I had to walk home over that bridge on my own. Thanksfully it wasn't dark and we got done before 9. It's a bit of a shorter day today, but I BET someone will ask me to stay and help out or something. Annoying.

What else is there to say? Been watching the original X men series. Gone through the first DVD now.
Just brought Hellraiser: Hellseeker, and Hellrasier: Deader off of ebay. Yay for Ebay goodness!

Not much else at the moment. I have to get ready for work anyhow.

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