Thursday, June 02, 2005

So, has it all stopped?

No, its not all stopped, I am still here.

Not long finished work, at 10, and I a bit on the tired side. Although, quite foolishly I admit, I am looking forward to sleeping, cause there is the chance that I might dream again. And, at the moment, my dreams are making me happy. I know it sounds crazy, but they are.

I am dreaming about Lance, and about Pinhead now too. Its making me feel so much better. I wish I could dream all the time, it would be so much nicer.

In this dream last night, I was killed, and taken to hell, where of course, I was initated into the Cenobites by Pinhead. It went a bit odd though, cause one minute I was alive with Mum and Deb, on a strange station where I was dileriously seeing a really young girls arm decaitated. Which Mum told me was justa sign on the floor. Then I was dead again, where I was really really annoyed because the Cenobites had stolen Sams purse. And, they were really proud of me then cause I killed someone, yet at the same time were disapointed cause I wasn't dressed as a cat. In which, I told them to get bent, cause it was a dorky outfit! Strange.

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