Saturday, July 02, 2005

Sometimes... people get right on my tits!

Darai plunked himself down. ".. People are so nice, bunneh." was said to a large rabbit plush held in his lap. Head lifted, eyes spotting the blue figure. The evil. ".. Except those that leave YOU for your MOTHER!" Voice rose. Auds pinned back. His 'mother' was a fucking whore. Every single female was a whore. Good for nothing, lieing, cheating. Arms tightened around the doll. ".. And whats worse is a man beleiving a woman who cheated with him on her husband won't do it again just because their together."

Someone roleplat posted that at Dragonesti today. And, before anything goes on. Yes, Dragonesti did leave this character Darai (then called Dereki) For his mother. All through roleplay. But, the player behind Darai really won't leave the whole thing alone. I mean, we have been away from the brat for a long time now. Cause the player hates me for Dragonesti leaving Darai. I can't believe they actually posted this, out in the open cause of a grudge! And, to make things worse, as I was about to reply they just went! How RUDE. I mean, I take my roleplay very seriously now. And, too just up and leave after throwing that at me!! Bastards!!

I forgot what else I was going to write, So, I'll leave it at that...

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