Friday, July 22, 2005

Eternity Awaits

I, really don't know what to do. I am in real deep finincial shit. Mum, is trying to get out a loan for me, so that can pay off my overdraft. My wages just went into my bank, and the cash machine just ate my card, and all I wanted too do was check my ballence to see how much I had too pay off. I think I need about 500 pounds to be totally clear.

I need to pay off my camera, which is another 1000. But, I have a bit more time for that. My moths rent, which is 130, and my college course as well, 285.
I don't know what to do.

If I thught it would help i'd open myself up for art and photography comissions. But, It wouldn't No one would want anything from me
And, If I thought anyone wold, I'd put up a donate sign for paypal. ( So, yeah. I am in the shit house when it comes to money.

Work was also rubish today.

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