Thursday, September 01, 2005

So, what going on in that little head of yours?

What is going on indeed?

These past couple of days I have been thinking that I should actaully be doing something with myself, not just applying for a job in another pie shop, or as a supervisor in the place I am working now. I need to explan my knowledge further, and I feel the desire too better myself beyond all things that people would have believed possible of me. I want too take every little detail of study that one step further than anyone would have dreams me capable of.
I just, want too go back into learning again. I know I have my evening course in photographyy coming up again soon, but at the moment, I see that only as a study.
I want too go beyond that even.
Yet, I don't know what to do with myself, it's rather confusing. Forensics was suggested too me, which I think I would find fulfilling. But, what do you need to get into it, degree's? University? Is that really the path that I should go down. Could I really do the more demanding work that Crime Scene Investigation offers?

Only one way to find out!

I have been writing. In reguards to Project 1208, I am guessing it was a bad time to hang up my pencil for the pen. I will have too see what happens.

So, concider my DevArt account, either retired, or on hold.

What else is there too put here? Been keeping myself very much too myself over the past couple of days, being rather quiet. I've just not wanted too be around anyone else. I fear that people will be able too read what I am thinking from my head directly, like I have some deathy secret inside that I can't let anyone find out. But, this isn't true. I have never feared anyone finding out anything about me, at all. So, why the distance like I don't want people around me too know? I don't know.
Things, have been confusing, so so confusing.

I don't know how long this feeling of wanting to hide will last. I'll ride t out til the end though, whenever that is.

Choke Yourself

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