Saturday, September 17, 2005

Run into the ground

I've been working pretty much non-stop all week, and today, I finally collapsed. Not in the literal sence, but I have a really bad cold and a really sore throat as well. And my voice failed me too. So, I called in sick. Well, Stu did for me cause my phone wouldn't connect, or they wouldn't pick up or something. And, they aqused Stu of lying about it! What a load of jerks! Pfft, dickwads! Really they are, all of them at that place. Well, thats a lie. They arn't all dickwads. I love the people I work with, but the managers make me want too scream.

Been Rping too the hilt of my gills recently. Nesti is a bit of bother about being owned and the likes. As much as I enjoy the RP, some of it fills me with dread! How can I compete with these people and the likes of their nature. I'll adapt and learn I supose. Til then, I'll enjoy it.

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