Tuesday, August 23, 2005

So, how do I get back on track?

Well, things have been allright here. Had another meeting with Matt about Project 1208 (See link on navigation pannel)

I have been reading these great books by Graham Masterton, I think I told you about them before, the Night Warrior's series. And, rumour has it that he is thinking of writting another one! They also did these fantastic mice mats the series as well, I really want one, but have no idea where to get one from. :( Kinda, like my Dragon for life and my Utena ring, things that I really want, but you know, may get them one day, may not! You know how it is! I needa new mouse mat anyways. *le sigh* And, its so hard getting any visualisation beyond my own imagination for the characters. (Aside the really small picture of the mouse mat) I mean, my imagination for the characters is fine, but well, I want more. Like a thirsty person, wanting more drink! XD

I was, going too put something else here as well!

Oh, I am in despirate need of clothes shopping! I need an up dated wardrobe.
(Eep bus went by, scared the crap out of me!)

My, scanner needs sorting out as well, as in, putting on my deska nd shit, cause at the moment its being stored underneath my bed and just.. gathering dust! XD
Thats no good for 1208! Nor any NW's fan art (Should I do any. :O)

I was RPing for a bit yesterday, not all that much happened, but I guess this means my Haitus is over!? Yay?!

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