Monday, August 01, 2005

Nothing to report

Like the title says, nothing really importatnt too say at the moment.

Just, been drawing a bit. Opened myself up for art trades again finally, so am looking for people to trade with.

Actually, thinking about it, the title is nothing short of a big fat lie!

I met up with Matt on Saturday, and it was so fantastically fantastic! It, felt so right as well. I was so pleased that we did actually meet up. While I was waiting at the Boots clock, and he wasn't there (Iamalwaysfashionablylate) I was scared that he was either not coming, or had been and gone already.
We, went for a cup of tea in Starbucks, and conversation I thought, went really well. We seemed to have quite a lot too talk about. Which, was great. I was also scared of akward silences. We had a few, but nothing a change in conversation topic couldn't cure.
We're planning to go out Friday night, which I am really looking forward too. So that I can meet up with a few of his new work friends. (Weeee!)
Went too The Great Nothing, brought, nothing. x.x;;

We had a Wimpy together too! Like in the "good old days" It was great all round!

Had a Potty Sports thing in the evening, which was alright. A lot of people seemed too complain that they we're fed up though, which was really annoying. As Mum had put in a lot of hard work too organise it.

Had work Sunday, it sucked!

Went out Sinday evening too the cinema to see Charlie and the Chocolate factory. It was really good. Willy Wonka was really... odd! But, thats a good thing! <3

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