Friday, August 19, 2005

Lord, I gotta ask a favour.

And, I hope you understand.
I've lived life too the fullest.
So, let me be a prince.

I've got to be a prince, so that I can be myself.

I, got a bit short with Lloyd at work yesterday. Is that really how a prince acts? I, felt really guilty for it as well. Cause, he let me borrow his MP3 player, I'd forgotten to take mine too work with me. I apologise Lloyd. And, I hope that you'll forgive me. I hope, that I'll be a prince one day again.

Met up with Stu in town today, and we had a talk in town about the recent past. Once again, we have gotten back together. The past couple of days here have just been so empty and lonely. We, talked about how things can improve on bth parts, and I think we hit the nail on the head. We shall see, but, I am feeling more positive. I, never want to relive the days just gone by. Emptiness is horrible.

Besides.. I miss Bosco already x.x;;

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