Wow, what a lot of text! Never thought that I would be like him either.
I, keep wanting to write again. Actually, I've wanted to write again for a very long time, but, I only ever fee inspired for it when I am out and about, and never when I have something too write with. Like, whenever I go to London, I want to write a Silent Hill fanfiction, set in the underground, and about one of the amrkets and stuff. But, whenever I am here, nothing at all forms. or, I just read/go on ym PC and roleplay instead. Maybe thats what I am doing wrong?
I am really fed up at home as well. Getting annoyed at parents and their constant thoughts of getting me out the house more, and how happy I am that I am seeing less of Stu. I'm, lyke, WTFSTFU! It's my life,a nd I'll live it how *I* want to thank you! Only, I wish I had the guts too say that too them. Usually, I just keep myself locked away in my room. v.v;;
Hopefully we will move house soon, and that will help things. Though, I really ust want to get into a place of my own! That would be heavenly!
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