Monday, August 29, 2005
Put you hand into mine.
So, how have things been for everyone else? I am still fustrated at home, but have found things too keep myself amuzed while I am here, (Finally) Hoping to get some of the Project artwork done today, been gathering idea's pretty much all week, so I should have something to show off soon! Hurrah!
Failing that I'll just obsess all day! People will figure it all out soon enough, if they havn't already. I just keep falling over and over again.
I have taken over a couple of clubs on DevArt, a Rogue and Gambit fan couple one, and the Emma Frost one (Can't remember if I said that one or not)
Not much else to r port.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Why do people keep diaries?
I, am getting so sick of things here. Just been told by Dad that I cannot eat my lunch in my own bedroom. Why, do they insist on treating me like a child, at the age of 21?
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
So, how do I get back on track?
I have been reading these great books by Graham Masterton, I think I told you about them before, the Night Warrior's series. And, rumour has it that he is thinking of writting another one! They also did these fantastic mice mats the series as well, I really want one, but have no idea where to get one from. :( Kinda, like my Dragon for life and my Utena ring, things that I really want, but you know, may get them one day, may not! You know how it is! I needa new mouse mat anyways. *le sigh* And, its so hard getting any visualisation beyond my own imagination for the characters. (Aside the really small picture of the mouse mat) I mean, my imagination for the characters is fine, but well, I want more. Like a thirsty person, wanting more drink! XD
I was, going too put something else here as well!
Oh, I am in despirate need of clothes shopping! I need an up dated wardrobe.
(Eep bus went by, scared the crap out of me!)
My, scanner needs sorting out as well, as in, putting on my deska nd shit, cause at the moment its being stored underneath my bed and just.. gathering dust! XD
Thats no good for 1208! Nor any NW's fan art (Should I do any. :O)
I was RPing for a bit yesterday, not all that much happened, but I guess this means my Haitus is over!? Yay?!
Friday, August 19, 2005
Lord, I gotta ask a favour.
I've lived life too the fullest.
So, let me be a prince.
I've got to be a prince, so that I can be myself.
I, got a bit short with Lloyd at work yesterday. Is that really how a prince acts? I, felt really guilty for it as well. Cause, he let me borrow his MP3 player, I'd forgotten to take mine too work with me. I apologise Lloyd. And, I hope that you'll forgive me. I hope, that I'll be a prince one day again.
Met up with Stu in town today, and we had a talk in town about the recent past. Once again, we have gotten back together. The past couple of days here have just been so empty and lonely. We, talked about how things can improve on bth parts, and I think we hit the nail on the head. We shall see, but, I am feeling more positive. I, never want to relive the days just gone by. Emptiness is horrible.
Besides.. I miss Bosco already x.x;;
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Second Life, I have been on a bit. Brought a few things for our house, a couple of chairs and a bed. I hope you like them Kitten. Erm, what else, been working as much as I can, but I find that the free time in between is empty now as well. Just keep trying too keep my brain occupied with silly little things. Like, tidying my room.
Maybe I should just put Jenn back on Furc?
Monday, August 15, 2005
Monday, August 08, 2005
All I want too do is eat and fuck!
So, random shit thats happened? Not much at all. Had a really fucktastic weekend. Was suposed to go out tonight as well, but secretly, I missed Ash too much to make the effort. I really wasn't in the mood too either.
Maybe another night I will do! But not to night.
One day, I'll paint it black!
Monday, August 01, 2005
Nothing to report
Just, been drawing a bit. Opened myself up for art trades again finally, so am looking for people to trade with.
Actually, thinking about it, the title is nothing short of a big fat lie!
I met up with Matt on Saturday, and it was so fantastically fantastic! It, felt so right as well. I was so pleased that we did actually meet up. While I was waiting at the Boots clock, and he wasn't there (Iamalwaysfashionablylate) I was scared that he was either not coming, or had been and gone already.
We, went for a cup of tea in Starbucks, and conversation I thought, went really well. We seemed to have quite a lot too talk about. Which, was great. I was also scared of akward silences. We had a few, but nothing a change in conversation topic couldn't cure.
We're planning to go out Friday night, which I am really looking forward too. So that I can meet up with a few of his new work friends. (Weeee!)
Went too The Great Nothing, brought, nothing. x.x;;
We had a Wimpy together too! Like in the "good old days" It was great all round!
Had a Potty Sports thing in the evening, which was alright. A lot of people seemed too complain that they we're fed up though, which was really annoying. As Mum had put in a lot of hard work too organise it.
Had work Sunday, it sucked!
Went out Sinday evening too the cinema to see Charlie and the Chocolate factory. It was really good. Willy Wonka was really... odd! But, thats a good thing! <3