Tuesday, May 31, 2005

So much...

So much for not having all that much to say anymore! :) Though I am rather glad that I have managed to post here. Otherwise it would have been a waste of time.

I watched Disney's Alice in Wonderland last night, after having a family BBQ, which was nice. It really is an odd film, but pretty much how I remember it. Old fashioned Disney goodness.
The night before that I watched Disney's Tarzan. That was amuzing, seeing as Kurchek(sp?) Has the Voice of Lance Henriksen! YAY! And, thats like the whole reason I brought the film. Its not in my Disney collection, its in my Lance one. I also brought The Last Samurai and The Day Lincoln was Shot with Lance in them. More too fill my shelf.

I finally got my Lance doll off ebay as well. After waiting for about 4 month for it! Curse import shipping. I must say though, as far from Lance he really looks, I know its him... well, Frank Black at least :p

Much love

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