Sunday, May 29, 2005

Take My Revolution

I made this thing, like I have something to say. Well, maybe I do. I just havn't thought of it yet.

Things, have changed quite a bit since I was last here. Infact I had to remake this place, to get this address again. And, I am greatful that no one took it while I was away. I had this address ocne before so I could keep in contact with some people. But, they are gone now. Which, makes me feel sad. But, I shall remain strong, and not be the weakling that I was before. I wish I could say, I guess it was my own fault. But, I still don't really understand everything that happened. One day everything was fine, then the next minute I was getting letters in the post, about everything, and they were gone.

I have moved on though, and will make new friends and new people to talk with.

I am still working in a super market, and have gone through my Animal College course. I passed that thankfully, but now I am doing a 10 week evening course in Photography, which, I am really enjoying too. Not got that much left, and I really should get a crack on with my workbook and projects. I will do. And, I'll do well at this course as well. I hope.

I still drawm but not as much. Mainly through lack of inspiration. I used to get a lot of inspiration from the people I used to talk to, before they left. I am getting it back though finally. ^^

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