Tuesday, May 31, 2005

So much...

So much for not having all that much to say anymore! :) Though I am rather glad that I have managed to post here. Otherwise it would have been a waste of time.

I watched Disney's Alice in Wonderland last night, after having a family BBQ, which was nice. It really is an odd film, but pretty much how I remember it. Old fashioned Disney goodness.
The night before that I watched Disney's Tarzan. That was amuzing, seeing as Kurchek(sp?) Has the Voice of Lance Henriksen! YAY! And, thats like the whole reason I brought the film. Its not in my Disney collection, its in my Lance one. I also brought The Last Samurai and The Day Lincoln was Shot with Lance in them. More too fill my shelf.

I finally got my Lance doll off ebay as well. After waiting for about 4 month for it! Curse import shipping. I must say though, as far from Lance he really looks, I know its him... well, Frank Black at least :p

Much love

Monday, May 30, 2005

Give me the power

Today, could have started off better. Stu left the house pretty early to go off too work, and left me in bed. Which, I supose was nice of him, but maybe I should have just gone home instead. I would probably have gotten more done. Espcially in the art department.

I really need to get an ID made for "Take my Revolution." Over on Deviantart. There is a link in my side bar.

I find it quite amusing that I still keep Trixie Furr's link there, but, I can't hold anything against her really. I still love her to pieces. *blushes* Still, whats past is past!

I still go on furcadia quite a bit, which, I really should stop doing! Its so adictive its not even funny, but its a place where it is quite acceptable to go round as your own character/fursona. So, I do. I am getting an Utena portrait made for me! YAY!

I am also on secnd life as well, but not as an Anthro, as a tall white woman, which loves to part with BIG pink hair. I am getting an Utena suit made there! YAY!
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Take My Revolution

I made this thing, like I have something to say. Well, maybe I do. I just havn't thought of it yet.

Things, have changed quite a bit since I was last here. Infact I had to remake this place, to get this address again. And, I am greatful that no one took it while I was away. I had this address ocne before so I could keep in contact with some people. But, they are gone now. Which, makes me feel sad. But, I shall remain strong, and not be the weakling that I was before. I wish I could say, I guess it was my own fault. But, I still don't really understand everything that happened. One day everything was fine, then the next minute I was getting letters in the post, about everything, and they were gone.

I have moved on though, and will make new friends and new people to talk with.

I am still working in a super market, and have gone through my Animal College course. I passed that thankfully, but now I am doing a 10 week evening course in Photography, which, I am really enjoying too. Not got that much left, and I really should get a crack on with my workbook and projects. I will do. And, I'll do well at this course as well. I hope.

I still drawm but not as much. Mainly through lack of inspiration. I used to get a lot of inspiration from the people I used to talk to, before they left. I am getting it back though finally. ^^