Thursday, November 10, 2005

As my girl P!nk would say.

"I've only been here for 21 years, but already my life is over."

It's so difficult to find the direction in life that you want to go in. I have been having so much trouble over the past month or so finding my happiness. I mean, I know I had a great time over the past weekend, but behind the front thre always was that inner thought praying on my mind about what I really want in life. I knew that I should have taken my camera to London with my, but had no real desire to. No reason behind it. No real enjoyment either. I don't know how people can actually live with themselves if they fake being unhappy and depressive. Not when there are really people that are sad and not happy with their lives.

Maybe I should go back onto those calms that I was told to about six months ago. Maybe they would help me find my direction again?

Just remember, that you we're not left behind.

I've been working on something while at work, I've called it, "My Psychosis." A further reach into my mind and finding out who I really am underneath it all. How I can finally reach my asspiration of being happy, with everything. My direction, my life and... well... everything.

I am just so glad that it's friday tomorrow. Saturday won't be any state of easy, but, hell. I'll deal.

Just don't know what to do with my fish now.

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