Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Wow, what can I say!?
It's been nearly two years since I updated this thing. SOMETHING must have happened in that time?
Well, where can I start.

I left my job at Morrisons to go to work for Multiprint, I left Multiprint and got a job with Royal mail, I am leaving Royal mail to go somewhere and I'll leave that somewhere to go to University hopefully.

At the moment I am drawing Anthro art, but have really cut down on it a lot. No more Sinister, but whoah, upon seeing this that might change for the better.

Looking for a new home on DeviantArt, after returning once again to Kizmit account, which alrthough I like it htere, I just can't seem to settle and expand beyond anthro arts. Whch is really strange. And rather annoying. maybe I should just bite the bullet and accept that others might not like what I will provide in the future!

I have com to accept that I am a bit of a walking cliche as well. I love things that are typically goth! Like, spiders,a nd bats and cobwebs! Anything like that just makes me smile, even though it is kind of teeny-goth. Also been shown the ways of the industrial as well, which is absolutely fantastic!!

Developed a new story/concept/thing recently as well, titled BulletFuck. It's primarily Yaoi, which a friend Darkenlite, got me into. I m eternally greatful, because I really do adore my Wars and Beee <3 I'll update my links soon. And, you'll be able to pay their DA a visit.

Definatly think I should go back to The Sinister Urge, it's just a kick ass name, and I can link it beyond sinister as well D: (Rob/White Zombie) Which is also cliche goth/rock stuff.

Recently got ahold of Guitar Hero, which is great fun.
Still play PSO!

Oh, yes, University! I am hoping to do a BAhons in Photography. Need to get my personal statement done for my UCAS form, and finish my portfolio as well. :D I have 4 pictures to print out during my trip to down later, and I'll need to get some card frames again.

I also have been on holiday to Croatia, with Stu, which was a great place to visit. I highly recommend you pay the place a visit. We stayed near Dubrovnik. And, travelled most places by boat!

My sister moved away to Hull, which happened more recently, it's strange to haveher so far away. But, she seems happy.