Saturday, October 15, 2005

OMG! Lack of updates! Whoops! Talk about neglect! Ah, well, thats what I get for not having anything really important to say to you all!

Went out last night, listening toa lot of good music thanks too a kick ass DJ!

I feel really bad for not having done anything to TSU for a few weeks. I really should update a bit more often, and do something with it! Ah well, maybe tomorrow.

Been RPing as Danilia now for a while. He is a lot more interesting that Dragonesti, who I doubt will return anytime soon. His wife easily moved on from his death, so I have no real reason to bring him back anymore. Dani is a lot more popular as well. A good way to compare the two is like comparing Cyclops and Gambit. Dragonesti = Cyclops, stright and boring, Dani = Gambit a flirt and a total slut/tart!

I have done another photoshoot with Deb as well, check the DevAccounts for pictures!